Hello, I’m Annette Gorham
Certified Community Herbalist with a deep passion for the healing power of herbs. Born and raised in Colorado, I’ve spent my life surrounded by the breathtaking beauty of this state. Let me share a bit more about my journey:
• Herbal Enthusiast: For over 20 years, I’ve immersed myself in the world of herbs. I have a strong passion for educating people on herbal usage. The ability to cultivate and create natural remedies empowers individuals of all walks of life to enhance their well-being.
• Certified Community Herbalist: Recently, I completed my Community Herbalist certification and Women’s Herbal and Ethnobotanical studies programs. This journey has allowed me to deepen my understanding of herbal medicine and its applications, with specific attention to women’s reproductive health.
• La Tallada Maya: I’ve also delved into the ancient practice of La Tallada Maya, which focuses on traditional Maya abdominal therapy. This holistic approach resonates with my belief in the interconnectedness of body, mind, and spirit.